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Shiraz Market

Written By Scott Joseph On October 30, 2018

Shiraz counter

The last time I was at Shiraz Market it was Torterilla la Mexicana. The name is different, the cuisine has changed from Mexican to Middle Eastern, but the experience is pretty much the same.

It’s a small storefront that’s mostly store. There are shelves of Middle Eastern canned and dry goods mixed in with everyday essentials.

One one side of the shop is a counter with some refrigerated items. And behind that is a menu board displaying the few items available to order and eat at one of the rustic tables in front. There are the usual kebabs and gyros but there are a couple of more interesting items, such as the Gheymeh that I selected.

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Shiraz stew

Shiraz rice

Gheymeh is an Iranian stew with lamb and tomatoes, some split peas, onions and a little dried lime. Shiraz served the stew in a foam bowl, which made it easy to take home the leftovers. It was topped with shoestring potatoes and served with a hefty portion of rice sprinkled with saffron. The young woman behind the counter admonished me not to dump all the stew on top of the rice at once but rather to spoon a small bit of it a little at a time. (She probably identified me as a serial dumper.)

The stew was milder than I had expected it to be, and in retrospect I wish I had grabbed some of the paprika from the table next to mine to spice it up a bit. But I did enjoy it spooned over the rice and would have definitely dumped it all at once if the lady hadn’t been watching me so closely.

But her admonition was good spirited and she seemed to have a friendly relationship with several of the people who came in while I was there.

Shiraz Market is at 185 S. County Road 427, Longwood. It is open for lunch and dinner daily. There is no website. The phone number is 407-951-8084.

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