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K and Nonna Update

Written By Scott Joseph On January 19, 2010

As I reported yesterday, K Restaurant Wine Bar will close at its current College Park location and move into the building occupied by its sister restaurant down the street.

Actually, that should probably be brother restaurant, since Nonna Trattoria ed Enoteca is co-owned by K’s chef and owner Kevin Fonzo and his brother Greg, who handles cheffing duties at Nonna. According to Kevin, Greg will remain as chef of the combined entity “under my supervision and direction.”

Fonzo also has shed some light on timing for the transfer. He expects Nonna to close Sunday, February 21, for a week of renovations in preparation of K’s moving in. K Restaurant will continue to operate at its current location through Saturday, February 27, then reopen on Monday, March 1, in the Nonna building for lunch and dinner.

I expect to have more details soon. Stay tuned.

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