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A penny for your thighs; KFC launches one cent per calorie promotion

Written By Scott Joseph On December 1, 2009

KFC, the company that sometimes wants to be known as Kentucky Fried Chicken and sometimes would rather you just forget that, is offering a holiday “penny-per-calorie” promotion for its grilled combo.

Called the Kentucky Grilled Chicken combo, but never referred to as the KGC because it sounds too much like a secret Soviet agency, it contains a drumstick, thigh, green beans and mashed potatoes — with gravy! — and sells for one cent per calorie, or a surprising $3.95. (Interesting how the calorie count comes to exactly the 95-cent mark; you’d think it might be $3.96 or something if it were an exact count, but I’m just being skeptical — and I’m sure the gravy is ladeled out to the precise penny count.)

Anyway, you can find the deal at participating KFC restaurants — there are 15,000 of them in 109 countries and territories (but not the former Soviet Union).

The Colonel is not extending this promotion to its other products. Good thing: I don’t think anyone would want to pay $23.80 for a bucket of extra crispy.

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