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Win a $50 Gift Certificate to Park Plaza Gardens

Written By Scott Joseph On October 22, 2010

parkplazaIf you haven’t been to Park Plaza Gardens in a while, you need to get back there and see — and taste — the wonderful things that chef John Tan is doing. Tan is a talented chef, and he’s brought PPG up to date while honoring its storied past.

I’d like to help you go back for dinner, so I’m giving a $50 gift certificate as the next SJO giveaway. Drawing will be held Thursday, Oct. 28, at 3 p.m. To be eligible to win, all you have to do is sign up to receive my occasional newsletter. If you’re already signed up, you’re already entered. If you’re not, just fill in your e-mail address in the box below and click Join. That’s it. And no, you won’t get spammed. Promise.

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