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Shipyard Brewing Co. to Open Brewpub in Winter Park

Written By Scott Joseph On August 6, 2010

logoShipyard Brewing Co. will open a brewpub this fall in the former Strollo’s Cucina Due space at 200 W. Fairbanks Avenue in Winter Park. (Old-timers will recall this as the original location of Dexter’s of Winter Park.) Shipyard, which is based in Portland, Maine, previously had a brewpub at Orlando International Airport. That business was closed several years ago when OIA underwent renovations.

A spokeswoman for Shipyard said the Winter Park restaurant will also produce its own micro beers, but it will be a “nano brewery” that produces only small quantities. The spokeswoman also said the restaurant will be owned technically by Shipyard’s president Fred Forsely. The brewpub, she said, is considered part of Shipyard’s “extended family” with Forsely the “glue” that connects the two businesses.

Details on the projected opening date and beer production will be released soon. Stay tuned.

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