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More Giveaways Coming

Written By Scott Joseph On October 7, 2010

spencersThe bad news is that Cindy Wagoner won the gift certificate for Spencer’s Steakhouse at Hilton Orlando. Well, it’s good news for Cindy; for the rest of you who were hoping your name would be selected, not so much.

But where there is bad news there should always be good news, at least where comedy and giveaways are concerned. So the good news, no joke, is that I’m going to give away another $50 gift certificate next week to the wonderful Spencer’s at Hilton Orlando. And the week after that. And the week after that. And…I think you get the picture.

Same rules: to be eligible to win, simply be signed up for my newsletter. If you’re already signed up, you’re already entered for all future drawings. As you know by now, I don’t spam, I don’t sell your e-mail address and I don’t show up at your house unannounced.

Wanna have a chance to win? Just fill in the box below. Next drawing: Thursday, Oct. 14 at 3 p.m.

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