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Olv will open Monday

Written By Scott Joseph On August 21, 2009

Olv, the oddly named restaurant that has been two years in the planning, will finally open on Monday, August 24.

Olv is in SoDo, the south of downtown shopping complex anchored by SuperTarget. The restaurant is an intimate cafe that will feature sandwiches, flatbreads and more substantial entrees. I got a peek inside and it’s very attractive, part lounge part cafe.

Olv’s address is 25 West Crystal Lake Street, Suite 175, Orlando. Initially the hours will be 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday – Thursday. Friday and Saturday until midnight.  Sunday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.  They’ll start opening for breakfast in mid-October. the phone number is 407-722-5060.

As for the name, I’ll entertain guesses as to what you think it means, or what the letters stand for. I happen to know, but I’ll save it for when I give you my review. Leave a comment below.


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