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Phenomenally Lame Promotion — Ruby Tuesday Should Change Its Name to Fat Tuesday

Written By Administrator On April 29, 2009

Ruby Tuesday Saw this ad in today’s Sentinel for Ruby Tuesday, the fern-bar holdout that once held forth in local malls but has more recently been trying to reinvent itself in stand-alone buildings (there’s a newish one on University Boulevard close to U.C.F.).

Restaurants are, wisely, trying to come up with deals and specials to entice diners to visit them. Although diners continue to patronize restaurants, the recession has led them to be more selective and to seek out value. Some restaurants have gotten quite creative and have come up with “bundled” meals (a.k.a. prix fixe menus), discounts and coupons.

And people are, also wisely, learning to eat less. A shared appetizer before the entrees and just one dessert — or none — for the table may have the unexpected effect of making the dining public a little less large, if you know what I mean. A silver lining to the recession, perhaps.

But this offer from Ruby Tuesday seeks to counter that. Endless fries with all burgers? Folks, 10 fries equal approximately 100 calories. And let’s not get into the issue of fat and cholesterol.

The offer of unlimited trips to the salad bar is only slightly less offensive.

A better value is the “buy one get one free” offer at the bottom of the page. Of course, you’ve got to be willing to dine between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m.

An early bird special by any other name is still an early bird special. But at least it’s not trying to gorge you with unnecessary calories.

Unless you choose to buy one burger and get another free and then stuff yourself silly with fries.

Bad idea, Rube. Try again next Tuesday.

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