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Dates announced for 2023 Swan and Dolphin Food & Wine Classic

Written By Scott Joseph On March 13, 2023

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It seems like the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Food & Wine Classic was just yesterday, and now we have the announcement for this year’s dates.

The popular event will be on Friday, Nov. 10, and Sat., Nov. 11, in and around and in between to two hotels. What’s more, tickets are already on sale and available here.

I know, I know, that’s a long way off. I have a hard time scheduling something for the following week let alone something that’s months off. But if you know you’ll be in town that weekend, you’ll want to get your tickets early, especially if you want to attend one of the seminars, like pasta making with chef Dan or the wine blending class. Those have limited seating.

I’ll have more details as the event gets closer.

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