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FusionFest is Nov. 26 and 27

Written By Scott Joseph On November 22, 2022

Fusionfest togo

If Thanksgiving is this week and [checks calendar] yep, there it is, on Thursday (weird, pretty sure it was on Thursday last year, too), that means that FusionFest is this weekend.

FusionFest, the multicultural celebration, is in its fifth year and will once again take over Orlando’s Front Yard, the plaza between city hall and the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center. It will feature musical performances, dancing, cultural heritage displays and, most notable for our purposes here, an international food court of restaurants and food trucks representing a variety of cuisines.

The event is on Saturday, Nov. 26, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sunday, Nov. 27, from noon to 6 p.m. It’s free to attend, with food and beverages available for purchase.

FusionFest is a project of the Orange County Arts and Cultural Affairs office, which also sponsors the monthly Diversitastic! Dining Experiences throughout the year.

Find out more at the FusionFest website.

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