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Galeria closed, relocating “by Disney”

Written By Scott Joseph On October 4, 2021

Galeria exterior

Galeria, the Baldwin Park steak and seafood restaurant that opened in September of 2019, has closed. It’s website notes that it is in the process of relocating to an “exciting” location “by Disney.” That doesn’t narrow down the possibilities and no further clues are available.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

Galleria was the latest tenant in the vast, lake-fronting space that had previously been Manny’s Original Chophouse (2018-2019) and Lago (2009-2012). It sat empty between 2012 and 2018.

In my March 2020 review of Galeria, I noted “a confusing mishmash of styles, uneven food preparation and service that is spotty at best.”

It will be interesting to see if there are any takers for the New Broad Street address or if anyone can last longer than a few years. While it has lots of space and a lovely lakeside location, it can’t be seen from the street and has no front-door drop-off.

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