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Thornton Park Resident Buys Dexter’s

Written By Scott Joseph On October 22, 2019

Dexterstp interior

Brian Minkel, a longtime Thornton Park resident, is the buyer of the downtown Orlando Dexter’s, according to a source with information about the transaction. He has previously worked as a bartender at Burton’s, across the street from the Dexter’s building, and as general manager at the Woods, a bar on Orange Avenue.

Minkel was profiled in the Downtown Community Paper, a sister publication of the College Park Community Paper, in February. The article, by S.T. Cardinal, noted that Minkel, a Wisconsin native who moved to Orlando in 2001, is also vice president of the local chapter of the United States Bartenders Guild.

Dexter’s of Thornton Park has occupied the space on Washington Street in a former Publix grocery store, for 25 years. It was shuttered Monday following the closing of the deal for Minkel to buy the business. However, it is not expected to reopen as Dexter’s but rather a new concept.

No further information about the concept was available and Minkel did not immediately answer a request for comment. He is said to have met with Dexter’s staff members to ask them to stay on, which would indicate an intention to open sooner rather than later.

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