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Shin Jung destroyed by fire

Written By Scott Joseph On June 27, 2019

Shin Jung front

Shin Jung, one of the area’s oldest Korean restaurants, is closed after a fire Wednesday destroyed the building in which it was housed.

The structure, a former house in the Mills 50 district, caught fire early Wednesday morning (June 26) at approximately 1 a.m. The restaurant was closed and no one was injured. According the the Orlando Fire Department the cause was possibly due to an electrical problem; foul play is not suspected.

Shin Jung roof

Shin Jung side

Flames shot through the roof, and considerable damage can be seen from the outside.

Shin Jung condemned

A bright orange sign affixed to the front door declares that the property has been condemned.

Shin Jung opened in late 1994 as one of only three or four exclusively Korean restaurants in the Orlando area. It took over the space that had previously been a restaurant called Chubby’s. Originally, the building, at 1638 E. Colonial Drive, had been a private home, one of the few remaining houses frontingState Road 50.

The owners of Shin Jung could not be reached for comment.

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