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Polls Now Open for Best Hotel Restaurant

Written By Scott Joseph On February 23, 2017


Voting is now live for the Foodster Award for Best Hotel Restaurant. 

It wasn’t that long ago that hotel restaurants weren’t anyplace a proper food lover would deign to visit. For years, they were little more than glorified coffee shops that existed only for the hotel guests who were too tired, rushed or intimidated to venture outside the hotel’s front door to find a proper place to eat.

But that’s changed. Now some of the area’s finest restaurants can be found inside the many hotels and resorts that serve Central Florida. And hotel guests find themselves competing with locals for choice reservations.

The list of nominees below was complied by SJO staff and includes restaurants known for their fine quality and their reputation within the culinary community.

Write-in candidates are allowed. However, please verify that the restaurant is not a chain and that the name isn’t already included in the original list. Restaurants with more than three locations worldwide and duplicates will be eliminated from the ballot.

Also please note: You may vote only once. If you’ve voted in this category previously, the VOTE button will not appear.

And be sure to leave a comment telling us why you voted for your selection — I might quote you when the winner is announced (be sure to say which restaurant you voted for in your comment or we won’t know who you’re talking about). Click this link to go to the Foodster Awards page.

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