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Dahlmann Leaving Disney for Darden

Written By Scott Joseph On March 22, 2016

Jens DahlmannThere’s been another shakeup in the top culinary talent at Walt Disney World Resorts. Jens Dahlmann, Epcot food and beverage general manager, is leaving Disney to become the vice president and corporate executive chef for Darden Restaurant’s Longhorn Steakhouse brand.

Dahlmann previously was Epcot’s executive chef overseeing the annual International Food & Wine Festival and other events. He has been with WDW for 12 years.

Just recently, Tim Keating, executive chef at Flying Fish Cafe, abruptly left the company shortly after a planned closing of the restaurant for renovations. Also, Brian Piasecki left California Grill and Phillip Ponticelli stepped away from the Citricos kitchen. Both took other positions with Disney.

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