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Taste in College Park is Closed

Written By Scott Joseph On December 5, 2013

Getting several notices that Taste, the College Park restaurant, has closed, including a visual confirmation from Bungalower’s Matt Sokoloff. Matt notes there is a note on the door that the restaurant is closed for renovations. But that’s sort of a restaurant’s equivalent of a narcoleptic saying, “I’m just resting my eyes.”

Taste opened in 2003 as one of the earlier tapas concepts. It replaced a restaurant called Chapters, which vacated the space to take its turn in the ever revolving space on Park Avenue held for the moment by Matilda’s. When I reviewed it — almost exactly 10 years ago to the day — I found it had some good points but did a much better job with its full entrees. (Gee, that sounds familiar.) Still, whenever I considered restaurants to recommend in the College Park area, Taste rarely came to mind.

What do you think — will you miss Taste?

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