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Let’s Talk Sandwiches

Written By Scott Joseph On November 25, 2011

wmfe_logo_blueOn this week’s WMFE-FM segment, I chat with 90.7’s Nicole Creston about sandwiches. Everybody loves a good sandwich, and we’ve got some dandy places to get them. You can listen in on the segment Friday at 5:45 p.m. and again on Saturday morning at 9:35. Or, you can click this link to hear the podcast right here.

Here are some of the places we talkes about, plus a few extras.


Yum-mi Sandwiches, specializing in banh-mi, basically a Vietnamese sub sandwich. Banh mi is a Vietnamese term for all kinds of breads, but the traditional banh mi sandwich is made with french bread, something that came out of the French occupation of Vietnam. You’ll find all sorts of meats and cheese combinations, just as you would from any sub shop. But Banh-mi generally have pickled vegetables, such as carrots, daikon and cucumbers, that give them a piquant kick. Yum-mi is obviously a play on the banh mi name. But unfortunately the sandwiches here lack enough fillings and so the bread becomes the dominant ingredient.

Just down the road is the new Tako Cheena, another play on words. This one is from Pom Moongauklang, owner of Pom-Pom’s sandwicheriea and Tea Room on Bumby. Pom knows a thing or two about good sandwiches, but here she puts that knowledge into tacos in what is true fusion cuisine. You might find Chinese pork belly. Or Thai peanut chicken. Flavors are distinct and everything tastes fresh.

I have to mention Mediterranean Deli, not just because the gyro, which is sort of a Greek sandwich, is so good, but the owner is such a warm and welcoming person. I wish everyone who owns a restaurant would stop by Mediterranean Deli and get a two-minute course on how to treat customers.

Balagan Kosher Mediterranean, small hole in the wall in the UCF Student Union, although they also have a concession stand at events in the UCF Arena. Beef Shawarma, in a pita, juicy sliced beef, with hummus, salad greens, eggplant dip, tztaziki, green hot sauce. I only ate half of it and wrapped the rest up, but when I got back to my car I unwrapped it and finished it off.

Some other good sandwich spots:

What’s your favorite sandwich place? Leave a comment below.


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