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James Beard Foundation Awards 2011

Written By Scott Joseph On May 9, 2011

Update:7:15 p.m.

Best Chef Midwest: Isaac Becker, 112 Eatery, Minneapolis, MN.

Best Chef New York City (and the crowd goes wild): Gabrielle Hamilton, Prune.



7:04 p.m.

NEW YORK — Rising Star Chef of the Year Award goes to Gabriel Rucker of Le Pigeon, Portland, Oregon. Outstanding Wine and Spirits Professional Award goes to Julian P. Van Winkle III of Old Rip Van Winkle Distillery, Louisville KY.


6:34 p.m. The James Beard Foundation’s 2011 Awards ceremony is getting under way at Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall. Tom Colicchio, Traci Des Jardins and Ming Tsai have just taken the stage. Here are some shots of the guests arriving.


Outside Lincoln Center


The red carpet is green this year.


Inside Avery Fisher Hall.


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