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Harmoni Market is Closed

Written By Scott Joseph On April 6, 2011

We could see this one coming for some time, though it’s still a shame. Harmoni Market, the little cafe, wine bar and wannabe specialty grocery that just could never get it all together, has closed its College Park location, its original. Its second location, in Longwood, closed earlier this year.

Speculation that the end was near grew when the owner, John Gabrovic, moved his family back to Poland last year. Although Gabrovic told me at the time that he planned to return and that nothing would change with the restaurant, others told a different story. And at that same time, many of the staff, including servers and cooks, started to accept positions elsewhere.

Harmoni  Market opened in late 2006 in the newly constructed condominium complex on the corner of Edgewater Drive and Smith Street in College Park. It was meant to be part cafe and part market, with an emphasis on local ingredients and a tendency toward slow food (Gabrovic was one of the founders of the Orlando Slow Food convivium). The market was never fully stocked, and the cafe struggled at first, but later found a niche and filled it. It had a neighborhood following, but that apparently wasn’t enough to see it through.


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