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HUE Restaurant is Closing

Written By Scott Joseph On May 15, 2013

EXCLUSIVE — HUE, one of the vanguards of the downtown Thornton Park revitalization of over a decade ago, is closing. An exact date for “last call” has not yet been announced, but it is expected to be in the next few weeks.

HUE opened on the corner of Central Boulevard and Summerlin Avenue in December of 2001. Although it was denied later, original designers of the restaurant had said the name was an acronym for Hip Urban Eclectic, which it certainly was. The word Urban came to it naturally, as it was one of the first brands for Urban Life Management Restaurant Group. The company also owns and operates Citrus and Cityfish. ULM will likely redevelop the space into a new concept.

There has been talk of a redevelopment for the HUE space for some time. It was always an odd design, occupying a corner space with a central bar and two wings with minimal dining space. The showcase, however, was the patio space with an overview of the cross-section of Thornton Park. It was, from the early days, a place to see and be seen.

“We are proud of the role we’ve played in establishing and growing the downtown Orlando dining scene,” the company said in a statement.

Urban Life Management Group says that it will honor any certificates for HUE, including SJO Dining Deals, at either Citrus or Cityfish.

The closing of HUE comes on the heels of a neighboring restaurant’s restructuring. As announced earlier, Prickly Pear, part of FMI Restaurant Group, no longer is taking reservations or walk-ins and is now open only as a catering and private party venue.

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