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Edamame, Avocado and Pumpkin Seed Salad

Written By Pam Brandon and Anne-Marie Denicole On May 18, 2011

edamame_avocado_salad2There’s just something about a chopped salad. The idea that the bits are bitsy enough to pile together on a single forkful at once creates the perfect bite of balanced tastes and textures. Sweet, savory and a bit of tartness meet crunchy, crisp and perhaps a touch of ooey-gooey. And as each bite is the delicious sum of its disparate parts, the overuse of calorie-laden salad dressings is completely unnecessary.

We love this easy, unexpected mélange of heart-healthy soybeans, creamy avocado, carrot, radish and toasted pumpkin seeds. It’s a protein-rich vegan masterpiece to save the planet as well as your girlish figure. Chop chop!

Edamame, Avocado and Pumpkin Seed Salad
Serves 4 as main course; 6-8 as side salad

1/4 cup Champagne vinegar
Coarse salt, freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons agave nectar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup finely diced red onion
1 16-ounce bag frozen edamame
1/2 cup finely diced carrot
1/2 cup finely diced red radish
1/2 cup finely diced celery
2 ripe firm avocadoes, diced
1/2 cup roasted hulled pumpkin seeds
Fresh tarragon, to garnish

In a bowl large enough for the salad, whisk together the vinegar, salt, pepper, agave nectar, mustard, lemon juice and olive oil.  Add the diced red onions and set aside.

Prepare the edamame according to package directions; rinse in cold water. Once cooled, in the vinaigrette bowl, toss the edamame, carrots, radish, celery, avocado and pumpkin seeds . Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Garnish with fresh tarragon leaves. (You can make ahead, but add the avocado just before serving.)


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