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Scott’s Kitchen: Steak Tartare from Chefs de France

Written By Scott Joseph On August 12, 2020

Tartare still

In this episode of Scott’s Kitchen, Bruno Vrignon, executive chef at Epcot’s Chefs de France, walks Scott through the preparation of a classic steak tartare.

If you like a lot of chopping, this recipe is for you. Watch the video, then sharpen your knife and get chopping.

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Steak Tartare

Steak (sirloin or higher quality) 12 ounces
Shallots 1/2 ounce
Capers 1/2 ounce
Parsley1/4 ounce
Chives 1/4 ounce
One egg yolk
Dijon mustard, 1 tablespoon
Hot sauce

Note: All measurements are estimates. Add them and taste as you go, adjusting to your preference.

Slice and cut the steak into very fine cubes. (Meat should be very cold.) Place meat in a bowl and add all ingredients. Mix well. Serve very cold.

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