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Cows ‘n Cabs 2018 Biggest Ever

Written By Scott Joseph On November 12, 2018

Cows Cabs Pig

The eigth annual Cows ‘n Cabs was held in Winter Park’s West Meadow on Saturday, Nov. 3. Organizer John Rivers said it was the biggest ever in terms of attendance and participating restaurants. And, potentially, monies raised for the two charities it benefits, After School All-Stars Orlando and Elevate Orlando. Highlights included Kathleen Blake’s Smoked Mullet Dip from Rusty Spoon and Frank Galeano’s Pork Belly Matambre from Tapa Toro. Most unusual dish was from Camilo Velasco of 1921 Mount Dora who offered breaded and fried (and spicy) Frog Legs. 

Watch the video below for some of the sights and sounds of the event:

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