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Agave Azul

Written By Scott Joseph On May 19, 2011

Agave_AzulI was in the area of Kirkman and Conroy Roads recently during the lunch hour and scanned the area for a place to eat. Agave Azul caught my eye. Actually, so did Zorba’s Greek Tavern across the parking lot, but I was suddenly hungry for Mexican, so stuck with AA (I’ll tell you about my subsequent trip to Zorba’s soon).

I’m thinking Agave Azul might be a more attractive restaurant in the evening. During the day, the bright sunlight streams in through the front windows and makes everything in the restaurant look as though it’s in shadows. Seated at a table in the back of the restaurant, I felt as though the power had gone out.

I know for certain there was no electricity in the food. I had the enchiladas rancheras, two enchiladasEnchiladas_Rancheros with a soupcon of pork, chopped onions and bell peppers. They were topped with melted cheese, which had actually started to recongeal, and sauce. It was accompanied by a bit of rice, lettuce, sour cream and guacamole. And there wasn’t a thing that was memorable about it.

Service was perfunctory. Agave Azul calls itself an authentic Mexican restaurant. Why, then, I wonder, does it feature so many Tex-Mex items on its menu? Oh, well, at least it doesn’t call itself a Mexican gastropub.

Agave Azul is at 4750 S. Kirkman Road, Orlando. It is open for lunch and dinner daily. Here’s a link to the restaurant’s website (uncontrollable music warning!). The phone number is 407-704-6931.


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