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Pincho Factory

Written By Scott Joseph On April 7, 2016

Pincho Factory sign

I’m not sure what it means when the best thing served at a place called Pincho Factory is not a pincho. At least not in the traditional meaning of the word. If such a thing exists.

I guess some explanation is necessary.

Pinchos (pinchi?) are Spanish tidbits that originally consisted of a piece of meat served on a bit of bread and skewered with a cocktail stick — or toothpick, if you will. (In the Basque region they’re known as pintxos, because my god how the Basque love adding x’s to words.) You might be in a bar in Spain and notice the little bites on the counter and start helping yourself to them as you drink your rosado. You might also be surprised to find later that the bartender was keeping tally of what you ate by counting the toothpicks and added them to la cuenta.

At Pincho Factory, a South Florida restaurant that recently expanded to Orlando, the pinchos are different. Some have described them as kebabs but I think they more closely resemble the satays you might find in a Thai restaurant: chicken, beef or shrimp grilled on long wooden skewers.

And they have turned it into an assemblage concept where the guests chooses a base (wrap, bread, rice or greens) and a type of sauce to go with it.

But never mind all that. You’re not going to come here for the pinchos. You’re going to come here for a burger.

Pincho Factory tostone

And not just a plain old burger on a bun. Heck, you can get one of those anywhere. You’re going to come here for the Toston Burger. It consists of a cooked-to-order ground beef patty with two fried plantains, or tostones, not as toppings but in the stead of a traditional bun. Add some melted jack cheese, your usual lettuce and tomato, and some cilantro sauce and you have a winning burger. (Literally, as it has been named top burger by various media outlets in South Florida.)

I sampled the burger, along with a traditional bunned version, and other items as an invited guest at the just-opened Restaurant Row region PF. Everything I tasted was good, but only the Toston Burger was great. I recommend it to you.

(By the way, owner Nedal Ahmad freely admits that the Toston Burger does not travel well — “It won’t make it to the parking lot” — so plan to enjoy your burger in the dining area instead of getting one to go.)

Pincho Factory tots

Have the fries is you want, or the sweet potato tots if you feel the need to pay $4.49 for a side dish (another 75 cents for apple butter to dip them in; seriously, enough with the totted potatoes fad already).

The folks behind Pinchos Factory are sincere about their food and their concept. They may have named the place for skewered meats, but its a bunless burger that’s going to make them famous.

Pincho Factory is at 7600 Dr. Phillips Blvd. (the Marketplace at Dr. Phillips), Orlando. It is open for lunch and dinner daily. Beer and wine are served. The phone number is 407-745-4462.

Pincho Factory wall

Pincho Factory counter

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