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Yum Yum Thai and Sushi

Written By Scott Joseph On May 27, 2014

Yumyum bento

It seems Thaitanic has been sunk.

The little Thai and sushi restaurant that was cheeky enough to serve a salad made with iceberg lettuce has closed and in its place is now Yum Yum, which also classifies itself as a Thai and sushi restaurant. Thai is its stronger suit, though only relatively.

You may judge the two for yourself as I did by ordering one of the bento box lunches that feature both sushi and a Thai dish, pad Thai in my case. The noodle dish had a delicious peanut sauce with just a bit of piquancy. It came with a few bits of chicken and had nice crunch from the bean sprouts.

The sushi selections featured both nigirizushi and a basic California roll, neither of which seemed to have been prepared by an expert well-schooled in the craft. The box also contained a couple of hard-fried egg rolls and a stack of edamame (no dish was provided for the discarded soy pods). The meal also included a bowl of modest miso soup, so it was a good deal for the $10.50 charge.

Although the restaurant was empty when I first walked in, no one seemed all that happy to see me.

Yum Yum Thai and Sushi is at 7581 University Blvd., Winter Park. It is open for lunch Tuesday through Friday and dinner Monday through Saturday. There is no website. The phone number is 407-960-3815.

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