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California Tortilla

Written By Scott Joseph On May 8, 2018

California Tortilla ext

I find the name California Tortilla unmemorable. It’s generic. Non descriptive. And the logo for the chain restaurant that opened recently in downtown Orlando isn’t very helpful: it’s an avocado. Also, the specialty is burritos. Oh, and despite the California designation there don’t appear to be any locations in that state.

Then again, there isn’t much else about the place that’s all that memorable, either. Certainly not the staff, most of whom barely acknowledge a customer’s existence.

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And there was nothing noteworthy about the burrito. It was neither exceptional nor unacceptable. It just was.

California Tortilla burrito

I will say that the ingredients of my Classic Burrito were ample and tightly packed inside the large flour tortilla. I ordered mine with pork carnitas, which shared the wrap with black beans, rice, shredded lettuce and cheese. Lots of ingredients, but any flavor had to come from the salsa bar.

California Tortilla int

The space is open and industrial. Impersonal, like the staff.

When you consider all of the other burritorias out there, you have to wonder what would attract someone to come here instead of somewhere else.

Unless it’s the only name that comes to mind.

The place with the forgettable name and an avocado on its logo is at 55 W. Church St., Orlando. It is open for lunch and dinner daily. The phone number is 407-730-5847.

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