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P is for Pie

Written By Scott Joseph On January 3, 2018

Pie sign

P is for Pie was just made for cold, rainy days. Nothing is better than warm, baked goods when the weather is dreary. Well, except maybe being near the ovens that baked them.

P is for Pie is the name of a small bakeshop in the Audubon Park neighborhood, and no, it does not offer any helpful guidance for other letters of the alphabet, you’re on your own there.

C might be for Cake. Or Coffee. Or Cinnamon, especially if you combine it with an R for Roll. In other words — or other letters, if you prefer — PifP does a lot more than its syllabary namesake.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

But to be sure, pie is the forte here, from conventional standards as basic as apple pie to savory pies, such as quiche and pot or shepherd. If you’re on the run you can get a hand pie. And if you’re feeling revelrous you can get a whoopie.

In fact, the menu is so large that is doesn’t seem possible all the ingredients could fit into the small space.

Pie display

But they manage, and the results are quite tasty. In fact, judging from the goods I’ve sampled there, we can just delegate the letter D to Delicious.

P is for Pie is at 2806 Corrine Drive, Orlando. It’s open from early morning to late afternoon Monday through Saturday. The phone number is 407-745-4743.

Pie exterior

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