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Time for a new review of Luma on Park — Want to come along?

Written By Scott Joseph On September 11, 2009

luma logaToday’s featured restaurant for Orlando Magical Dining Month is Luma on Park, the chi-chi restaurant in Winter Park. As you probably know, the Park in the name is Park Avenue.

While chatting with chef Brandon McGlamery for his profile on the MagDngMo Web site, I realized that a lot has changed with the menu since I last dined there. That means it’s time for me to go back and do another review.

Wanna go with me?

Here’s the deal. I’m offering dinner for two with me at Luma on Park at silent auction at tomorrow evening’s Season Opening Gala for Orlando Shakespeare Theater in Partnership with UCF. The winning bidder and a guest will accompany me to the restaurant on a mutually agreed upon date. We’ll have appetizers, entrees and desserts, we’ll discuss the atmosphere — the lighting, the decor the music — and evaluate the servers. I’ll ask you for your comments and use your quotes in a review here on the flog.

All you have to do is be the winning bidder. You can find information on attending the gala here.

If you don’t want to do that, you can always take advantage of Luma’s participation in the Month of Magical Dining and check out the restaurant on your own. The $30 menu includes a choice of soup or salad, one of three entrees, including fish (and read McGlamery’s profile — he’s passionate about fish), and dessert, which includes an interesting popcorn ice cream selection.

Go, check it out and you can still come back here and write your own review at Luma’s listing.

To see Luma on Park’s Magical Dining Month menu, click here. Read about Brandon McGlamery and some of the other MagDngMo chefs here.

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