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No deal on downtown dining spaces

Written By Scott Joseph On August 4, 2009

Manny Tato will not take Sanctuary

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that Manny Tato, owner of Spice Modern and the just-reviewed Pesca Lakeside, was in talks to take over all three of the recently closed restaurant spaces in the Sanctuary condominiums. Those restaurants were Graze, Sanctuary Diner (formerly Fifi’s Patisserie) and Beacon. My sources now tell me the deal has fallen through.

What wasn’t reported earlier, but is obvious from the proposed deal that would have included Beacon, is that Beacon Hill Group, operators of Beacon, also have abandoned plans to reopen in that space. In an article regarding Beacon’s closing published on June 15, I quoted Beacon Hill Group president Mark Angelo as saying his company would redesign the space and open with a new concept in early August. That will not happen.

Angelo also reported at the time that his company was going ahead with plans to open new restaurants across the street at 101 S. Eola Drive. In June, Angelo was considering naming the Mexican restaurant and tequila bar concept The Worm, but now is calling it Mucho; a Rivalz Sports Bar is also planned. Those apparently are still expected to open, although firm dates have not yet been announced.  (They also were originally expected to open in early August.)

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