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Pizza Wars — New contender

Written By Scott Joseph On July 26, 2009

There’s a type of competition on the bicycle racing circuit called “Devil take the hindmost.” The way is works is that the cyclists race around a track, whether in a velodrome or on the streets, for a set number of laps. Each time the pack of riders comes to the start line/finish line on one of those laps, whoever is in the last position at that moment is withdrawn from the race. By the end of the race, only the strongest remain.

We’re doing that here with our search for the Best Pizza in Central Florida. After nealy a week of polling, Stefano’s has but one vote. So the Devil has taken it as the hindmost. But unlike in bicycle competitions, a new racer has come in. Based on the numerous “write in” votes for Del Dio, that pizzeria has been added to the competion. 

Is there another pizzeria you’d like to see in the contest? Send me some notes, the Devil will take the hindmost again next week.

To vote for best pizza, find the poll on the left side of the page, click on your selection then click on vote.

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