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Follow the flog to London

Written By Scott Joseph On June 30, 2009

Road trip!

I’m headed to Great Britain and you’re invited to come along via the flog, although I suspect over there it would be spelled flogue. London

I’ll be reporting on food finds and dispelling the myth of British food. We’ll seek out good fish & chips, bangers & mash, and bubble & squeak. I suspect there will be a trip to Drury Lane in search of the Muffin Man for a hot cross bun (or even a hot pleasant bun). And I intend once and for all to unearth the origin of the traditional English breakfast. Just who decided that it should include eggs, bacon, sausage, baked tomato, baked beans and mushrooms? Was it originally intended as a joke?

I’m starting off in London, then heading up to Cambridge and York for a few nights before heading back to London — two weekends at Borough Market!

If you’re a London regular, I’d love to hear your suggestions. Do you have a favorite pub for a ploughman’s? Know of a gastropub off the track? Or maybe just a place with a good pasty? Send me a note.

See you on the other side of the pond!

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