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Vinito Tuscan Tavern opens Wednesday

Written By Scott Joseph On June 8, 2009

Orlando gets a new restaurant this week, something that has become a rare occurrence these days.Vinito Tuscan Tavern

Vinito Tuscan Tavern will take up residence at the Prime Outlets Orlando shopping complex. An intimate dining experience this isn’t likely to be. The restaurant will seat 400 and employ a staff of 125. That may be the first time I’ve felt compelled to put an employment figure in an opening announcement. There are jobs!

The menu will feature the cuisine of Raffaelle Marsillo, a native of Somma Vesuviana, Italy.And I’m so thrilled to have a new restaurant to talk about that I’m not even going to make a snide remark about how far from Tuscay Vesuviana is.

The restaurant will occupy a new space in the center of the shopping complex, inside a Tuscan style brick building. Vinito Tuscan Tavern will be open for lunch and dinner daily at 4971 International Drive, Orlando. Phone number is 407-354-0404. Here’s the Web site.

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