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Graze and Sanctuary Diner Are Closed

Written By Scott Joseph On May 26, 2009

Graze, the trendy downtown restaurant that featured the culinary talents of chef Jephanie Foster, and its sister restaurant next door, Sanctuary Diner, have closed, two more victims of the economy.

 Co-owner Ted Maines said, “There just was no way we were going to be able to make it through the summer,” a traditionally slow time for Orlando restaurants.

“We really believed in the concept,” said Maines. We had a very good staff and a great chef. It’s just not the right time.”

Sanctuary Diner had only recently changed formats. What was originally Fifi’s Patisserie changed over in February to a more casual diner concept.

As recently as last Friday, Graze was going good business, the bar area well-crowded. But it wasn’t enough to make up for overall slower times.

“A lot of the locals just aren’t eating out as much,” said Maines.

The two restaurants employed a total of 35 people.

Maines said they’ve had a couple of people interested in the spaces, but there are no confirmed contracts.


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