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American Cheeses: A Comprehensive Compendium from Food Expert Clark Wolf

Written By Administrator On December 9, 2008

New York based restaurant and food consultant Clark Wolf has announced the release of his new book, American Cheeses (Simon & Schuster). It’s subtitled (deep breath) “The Best Regional, Artisan, and Farmhouse Cheeses, Who Makes Them, and Where to Find Them.”American Cheeses  The book also features luscious photography by Scott Mitchell.

Clark Wolf is one of the most respected authorities on all things edible and was a protege of James Beard, the actual man, not the foundation that bears his name. So when he speaks — or in this case, writes — people pay attention.

They also smile and sometimes laugh out loud, because Wolf uses humor and light-hearted anecdotes to convey his message, whatever the subject. Take a look at a sample. icon American Cheeses (468.39 kB

And what a great subject this is. There is so much to know about cheese — the different types and styles, how they’re made, how to buy and store them, not to mention how to eat them and what to eat them with (the book has lots of yummy recipes, too, from some of the country’s most famous chefs and cooks).

And then there are all the stories about the people whose passion it is to make great cheeses, and to make them in America. Wolf takes the reader on a region by region tour.

If you’re the kind of person who just grabs a package of Kraft singles at the grocery store, you may not get anything out of this (then again you may get a lot). But if you love — really love — cheese, this book is a must have.

Or if you know someone who loves cheese, here’s the perfect gift. Wrap it up with a nice wedge of artisan cheese (there are links to a number of Web sites that will ship) and you’ve got a perfect package.

(By the way, I’ve added Wolf’s book to the Food. Drink, Other stuff Store on the right side of the page, so click away.)

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