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Bananas Diner is Now Open

Written By Scott Joseph On August 2, 2010

If it’s 5 p.m., that means Bananas Diner, the latest concept from the Funky Monkey crew, has officially opened for business. Following a week or so of practice meals, the “modernbananas American diner” opens to the public August 2.

Just two doors up from the original Monkey at 924 N. Mills Avenue, Bananas will serve basic diner fare with a few twists, such as burgers done 18 ways (not all at once on the same plate, mind you) and eggs Benedict done six ways. As you would expect from these guys, the decor is kind of funky. (Check out the padded leather black-and-red checkerboard ceiling.)

Hours will be: Monday through Wednesday, 6 a.m. to 12 a.m.; Opening Thursday at 6 a.m. and staying open until Sunday at 11 p.m. For more information, visit the Web site at bananasdiner.com. Call the restaurant at 407-480-2200.

Click here to download the front of the menu and here for the back of the menu .

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