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Orlando Chefs Win Honors at Regional Conference

Written By Scott Joseph On April 27, 2010

Orlando chefs headed home with honors following the 2010 American Culinary Federation Southeast Regional Conference last


Kenneth Bourgoin, Longwood, is a finalist for Chef Educator of the Year.

weekend in Birmingham, Ala.

Andreas Proisl, executive pastry chef at Isleworth Country Club, was named Southeast Pastry Chef of the Year and will advance to the national competition in in California in August. It was an easy win for Proisl — he was the only competitor.

Kenneth Bourgoin, chef-instructor at Valencia Community College in Orlando, is a finalist for Chef Educator of the Year. And Roger Newell, culinary arts instructor at Technical Education Center Osceola in Kissimmee, was honored with a President’s Medallion.






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