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Make reservations using OpenTable online service

Written By Scott Joseph On October 28, 2009

I first wrote about OpenTable.com, an online restaurant booking site, three years ago in the Orlando Sentinel. OpenTable had been around for a few years but was still just catching on locally. Here’s a link to that Sentinel article.

A few things have changed since I first wrote about OpenTable. I mean besides that I’m no longer at Sentinel. In the article you’ll see quotes from Edward Nickell, who was at Dux at the time. He’s no longer there — in fact, neither is Dux — but is the proud co-owner of two Funky Monkeys.opentable logo

But Bill and Adrienne Katz are still around and are readers of the flog. (Hi, Bill and Adrienne!) They were the ones who first alerted me to the joys of OpenTable, which spurred me to write the article.

OpenTable has grown in this area — new restaurants sign up almost weekly — and restaurant owners tell me they just love it. So do diners.

So, beginning today, I’m offering direct links to restaurants that participate in the OpenTable program. You’ll find the links in regular reviews and in the restaurant listings here on the flog. There is, of course, no charge to you to use the OpenTable service. And in fact you can earn free meals just by making reservations. Click here or on the OpenTable logo above to learn more about the program. And happy dining.

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