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Barney’s Steak & Seafood Closing

Written By Administrator On April 16, 2009

Restaurant to take final bow on Saturday

Barney's Barney’s Steak & Seafood will close after dinner service on Saturday. Sandra Pedicini of the Sentinel posted  details of the closing this afternoon.

A couple of months ago there were twitterings, both literally and figuratively, that the restaurant was up for sale. I didn’t pay it much mind because any restaurant owner in town will tell you his or her restaurant is for sale. With Barney’s it was more of a “name your price” situation, apparently.

Barney’s, a fixture on East Colonial Drive for three decades, was known for its impressive salad bar (anchovies!) and live entertainment in both the dining room and bar, pianos that could be counted on to play your favorite show tunes. But to paraphrase “Pippin,” it’s better days were yester.

Still, it was a classic old-style steakhouse that should have had a more respectable ending.


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