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This Week’s Giveaway: Win $50 Gift Certificate to Peterbrooke Chocolatier

Written By Scott Joseph On November 9, 2010

Let’s give away another $50 gift certificate to Peterbrooke Chocolatier on Winter Park’s Park Avenue. Is this timely, or what? Look at the calendar — the holidays are upon us. Soon we’ll be expected to show up at holiday parties with gifts for the hostesses, or we’ll be hosting our own parties and will be expected to have little delicacies for people to nibble. Peterbrooke is hostess gift central for the holidays. You can never go wrong giving a box of fine chocolates, and Peterbrooke’s are the finest. And it’s a local business, to boot, so you should support them.

But how about $50 to get your holiday purchases going? Jami and Kevin at Peterbrooke have donated a gift certificate for me to give away. Regular rules apply: drawing will be conducted from among the list of subscribers to my mailing list. If you’re already signed up, you’re already entered to win. If not, just fill in the box below, click join and verify the information on the next screen. You’re in. And no, I don’t spam, I don’t call at odd hours, I don’t share your information with anyone else — this is strictly between you and me.

Drawing will be Thursday, November 11, at 3 p.m., so be sure to sign up right away. Just takes nanoseconds.


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