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Pizza Fusion has Closed its Sand Lake Location

Written By Scott Joseph On November 1, 2010

The Sand Lake area has lost an outlet for organic, environmentally sustainable and gluten-free pizzas. The local Pizza Fusion franchise has closed. Visitors to the Restaurant Row storefront location are greeted by signs on the front door thanking them for their support over the past year and a half, but, “the economy has finally taken its toll.”

Through the windows one can see dozens of bottles of wine stacked on the counter top, and in a parking space out front is the colorful Pizza Fusion delivery car. But there was no one visible inside.

When I reviewed the then-new pizza joint in June of 2009, I noted that they took the environmental mission seriously, with counters made of recycled glass and biodegradable utensils. There were even low-flush toilets in the restrooms. And I liked the pizzas and the young staff serving them. Sorry for the loss.


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