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Get a Restroom; On Second Thought, Don’t

Written By Scott Joseph On February 9, 2010

Mildred’s Temple Kitchen got a little more publicity this week than they expected — or wanted — when news outlets around the world picked up on a story that the Toronto restaurant was inviting Valentine’s Day diners to have sex in its restrooms. And they weren’t even going to require couples to order a la carte. (I’m assuming the offer was limited to couples.)

It turns out now that it was all a tongue-in-cheek joke cooked up by the eatery’s PR firm, Flex. But that hasn’t stopped the news from bouncy all around the world. People are still retweeting the toilet tryst special and clucking in disbelief.

Mildred’s, on the other hand, is busy deflecting calls and admonishments of poor taste. “Just wanted to let people know we aren’t running a brothel here!” is one of today’s tweets. And a response to a suggestion that the ruse was always meant as a joke: “Well, not so much “bullshit PR” stunt as cute joke gone awry! Who knew sex got people’s panties in such a bunch!? No pun intended!!”

Whatever, I’m betting the washroom door will be the most-watched thing in Mildred’s come Valentine’s Day.

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