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Eat an Apple a Day?

Written By Administrator On May 7, 2009

With These iPhone Apps You Can Have So Much More

iphone One of the allures of the Apple iPhone is the vast number of applications, or apps, that are available to make life better. Well, OK, not all of them are meant to make life better, and some are just strange, others downright wrong. (Apple recently removed from its apps store a program that featured a crying baby that would stop only when the iPhone was shaken vigorously enough. What kind of warped mind would think that was a fun thing?)

Anyway, there are lots of apps devoted to food and restaurants. Some are designed to help you find a restaurant (they even use the phone’s built-in g.p.s. capabilites to locate something nearby), others help you snag a table, and still others will help you keep track of the calories you’re consuming once you’re inside.

This article from pcmag.com features a top-10 list of the best apps for iPhone-toting foodies.

Do any of you use these, or do you have some other favorites?

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