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Beluga Winter Park is Closed; So What’s Up With the Sand Lake Road Location?

Written By Administrator On May 4, 2009

Beluga, the upscale seafood restaurant, closed its Winter Park Village location Sunday. The phone is not operating — there’s a “this line is busy” recording but it apparently is not disconnected. And the Web site, beluga-restaurant.com, has a “this site under construction” page and nothing else. No one, it seems, knows what’s going on.

People contacted at Winter Park Village’s development offices seemed surprised that Beluga had closed, which would indicate it was not a planned closing, or at least not one with an advance notice.

But neighbors at the Sand Lake Road site where Beluga was to open a second location this year say that workers are continuing with construction. A property manager with the Unicorp project, Dellagio, said there isn’t even a ballpark opening date for the Restaurant Row Beluga. A Fleming’s steakhouse in the same complex is due to open in a month or so.

So, that’s all we know at this point. I’ve got some calls out to other people who may have more concrete info. If you know something, drop me a line.

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