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Chicago Commuters to be Warmed by Stove Top

Written By Administrator On December 2, 2008

Here’s an odd bit of public relations stuff, or should I say stuffing?

GLENVIEW, Ill., Dec. 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — In a national advertising first, Stove Top Stuffing is warming up Chicagoans this December by heating 10 bus shelters throughout the Windy City’s high-traffic commuter and shopping areas to help busy consumers keep cozy throughout the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

The month-long campaign represents the first time that heat has been used in bus shelter advertising, and is part of a larger integrated Stove Top campaign to warm up Chicagoans that also includes print ads in more than 50 bus shelters and street sampling of new Stove Top Quick Cups instant stuffing.

“Stove Top Stuffing is all about warming up families with hot, delicious meals when the temperatures drop, and we wanted a stand-out way to demonstrate this to consumers this holiday season,” said Stove Top Brand Manager Ellen Thompson.

But I wonder if they’ll heat the bus shelters to an internal temperature of 180-degrees? 

And can you believe this is a national advertising first? I would think someone would have thought to heat bus shelters with stuffing before this.

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