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Bye Bye Bayou

Written By Scott Joseph On December 16, 2010

Kelly Fitzpatrick is reporting in her comprehensive Last Call blog that Crooked Bayou will have, um, a last call on Dec. 23. The sort-of New Orleans style restaurant has been serving food and, more importantly, drinks since 2003. The owner of the restaurant, however, has been in that space for much longer. As Fitzpatrick reports, owner Susan Buttery — how can you not go into the restaurant business if your name is Buttery? — was a co-owner of the Po’Boys Creole Cafe, which somehow – miraculously – managed to remain in that space across the street from Heritage Square from 1995 to 2003, when Buttery bought out her partners and changed the name to Crooked Bayou. I remember remarking at the time that I thought I should double check by bill from a place with Crooked in its name, but the Bayou managed to keep its regulars happy for seven-plus years.


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