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Taco Chain Celebrates Tacoberfest

Written By Scott Joseph On October 19, 2010

I always appreciate clever. The Del Tacos restaurants in Oviedo and Orlando are scoring high on the cleverity scale for a celebration they’re holding Wednesday (Oct. 20) called Tacoberfest. Both locations will offer 29-cent tacos between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. There is a limit of 10 tacos at that price. (The chain’s Web site is touting a current promotion of 39-cent tacos, so if they cut you off at 10 you can still go crazy for not a whole lot more.) I like the Tacoberfest name, and I don’t mind that it has nothing to do with beer, Germany or even harvest time.The Oviedo Del Taco is located at 3551 Dovera Drive, and the Orlando Del Taco is located at 12025 Collegiate Way. I can’t wait for Beansgiving. Prost!


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