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Silicone Cap for Beer Bottles; Make That Sillycone

Written By Scott Joseph On July 26, 2010

beer_saverFile this one under really unnecessary products: silicone beer caps to reseal an open bottle of brew. You know, for those times when you just want one swig of beer then wish you could put it back in the fridge until you’re thirsty again.

A company called Beer Interactive is marketing Beer Savers, which it claims is “the world’s first silicone bottle cap for beer bottles.” Perhaps realizing just how silly this concept will sound to most beer drinkers, the company’s press release attempts to instill some other practical uses for the caps, such as how they will keep dust and odors from getting inside the beer bottle between sips, or how the variety of colors will help identify whose beer bottle is whose — like the charms that some people put around the stem of a wine glass. Those last two uses for the cap require the user to replace the cap after each swig. Personally, I’ve never had a problem identifying which beer bottle was mine: it’s the one my hand is gripped around.

But if this sounds like something that has been missing from your beer drinking experience and that having color-coded silicone caps will make you the envy of your beer-drinking buddies — and you can’t wait to pay $12.95 for a set of six — you can find more information at beersavers.com.


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