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McDonald’s Recalls Shrek Glasses containing McCadmium

Written By Scott Joseph On June 4, 2010

A drinking glass tied into the latest Shrek movie has been found to contain cadmium. (The toxic metal is in the paint on the outside of the glass and has nothing to do with the McShakes or other drinks that might be served in them.) According to a report by the AP, the glasses, being sold at McDonald’s for $2 each, have cadmium in the dyes of the painted design. Cadmium, which can be used to create yellows and reds, can be toxic with longterm exposure. The voluntary recall was initiated with the fear that children could get some of the dyes on their hands and put their hands in their mouths.

McDonald’s will post information on its Web site about refunds for the glasses, but says consumers should stop using them immediately, “Out of an abundance of caution.”

By the way, can’t blame this one on cheap Chinese production: the glasses were made in the U.S.

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