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Help for Stranded Travelers; CVB Issues Call for Discounts, Other Offers

Written By Scott Joseph On April 19, 2010

The Orlando Convention & Visitors Bureau is trying to help the masses stranded in Orlando by the disruption of air traffic to Great Britain and Europe. If you’re like me, by the time your vacation is over you’ve spent your allotted dollars — or pounds or euros as the case may be — and need to get back to work to earn more so you can vacation again.

The poor folks stuck at Orlando International Airport — getting poorer every day — are in a real pickle. Here’s a chance to show a little Central Florida love.

Here’s the message from the CVB:

We have been following the unprecedented events that have forced the closure of European Air space. In our community, we have stranded travelers that have been trying to return home since Wednesday, April 14.

The Orlando/Orange County CVB would like to ask for your cooperation in assisting European travelers, by offering discounts and free admission to any United Kingdom, Irish or Continental European tourists stranded in Florida due to the interruption in international air travel caused by Icelandic volcanic ash.

Please consider offering discounts to these stranded visitors. Your help will go a long way in showing our compassion and customer service.

As proof of travelers being affected, you can ask to see their return flight ticket from Wednesday, April 14, 2010, through Wednesday, April 21, 2010, or until normal flight schedules resume.

So how about it, restaurateurs? If you’re able to offer a discount, send me a note at [email protected] and I’ll pass it along to the good folks at the CVB. Or you can contact them directly by sending a message to [email protected].

Thanks for your help.

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